Growing Practices

Regenerative Growing Practices at The Farms of Illinois

Our network of Central Illinois farmers are committed to sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices. We make sure that every product our farms offer meets the highest standards of quality, animal welfare, and environmental stewardship to be able to offer you the most nutritious and flavorful food.


Our produce is cultivated using chemical-free and regenerative practices. This means no herbicides or pesticides are used in growing our fruits and vegetables, so we rely on natural compost to fertilize our crops and use mulching techniques to suppress weeds. By minimizing soil disturbance, we improve soil health, which is the foundation of our farm’s success. Healthy soil not only yields nutrient-dense produce but also supports a robust ecosystem that benefits the entire farm.


Our chickens are raised on pasture and fed a non-GMO grain diet. They roam free with natural foraging behaviors such as pecking and scratching. This method not only promotes humane and sustainable farming but also results in higher-quality meat and eggs. Our pasture-raised chickens produce eggs with deep, dark yolks rich in vitamins and nutrients, a testament to their healthy diet and lifestyle. The freedom to express natural behaviors also leads to more flavorful and better-textured meat for a superior product for our customers.


Our pigs are either pasture-raised or forest-raised and fed a non-GMO diet. This approach allows the pigs to live in environments that mimic their natural habitats, which promotes their well-being and results in healthier, more flavorful pork. By allowing pigs to roam and forage naturally, we maintain a humane and sustainable farming system that prioritizes the animals' quality of life. This practice not only benefits the pigs but also supports the health of the farmland.


Our cattle graze on chemical-free pastures and are either grass-fed and grass-finished, or grass-fed and non-GMO grain-finished. We avoid using hormones and antibiotics, ensuring that our beef is as natural as possible. Grass-fed and grass-finished beef takes longer to finish, but the result is meat and dairy that is superior in taste and nutrient content. We’re dedicated to both animal welfare and the production of high-quality, nutrient-dense beef and dairy. Our cows are free to roam and graze, living in a stress-free environment.


There’s a common misconception that the grocery supply chain is inherently “safer.” In reality, our farmers adhere to the same certifications, standards, licenses, and inspections as larger distributors. You can trust that our commitment to quality and safety is unwavering. We provide transparency in our farming methods, allowing our customers to know exactly where their food is grown and how it’s produced.

At The Farms of Illinois, our regenerative growing practices are at the heart of everything we do. From chemical-free produce and pasture-raised chickens to grass-fed beef and dairy, we prioritize the health of our soil, animals, and community so you’ll receive the highest quality, nutrient-dense foods. We want a better future for our farms, our community, and our planet.